By Jillian Warren
Is it too much to ask if we can just eat all the mashed potatoes and gravy that we want this Thanksgiving? A little stuffing and Pecan Pie never hurt anybody, right? But, that’s the problem with this food-filled holiday - it’s hard to practice restraint when some of the best American cuisine is displayed so mouth-wateringly on the dining room table. So, when the day arrives, it’s important that you find the appropriate balance that will keep you enjoying the day while also staying focused on your fitness goals. Here are a few easy tips to keep you in shape and satisfy your cravings at the same time.
1. Do a Turkey Day WOD

Just because it’s a holiday, that doesn’t mean you get to take the day off from working out! In fact, there are so many WODs out there that were themed around Thanksgiving that it’d be a real shame if you didn’t get to try any out. WODwell, A.K.A your go-to website for all your CrossFit workout needs, has a modest list of Thanksgiving WODs for your day. My favorite is the “Burn the Bird,” WOD which is a solid workout for your post - and well-digested - Thanksgiving meal.
2. Avoid Snacking Unconsciously
If you’ve ever found yourself munching on a bowl of chips or mindlessly devouring all the crackers and Brie, this is your little reminder to pay attention to what you are putting into your body. It’s so easy to be deep into a conversation and inhaling everything off the appetizer table without putting a second of thought into it. Try grabbing yourself a small plate and adding a few hors d'oeuvres before stepping away from the temptations of it all. Bring your discussions to the TV room where the Macy’s Parade is happening so that you won’t be unconsciously eating everything off the main spread.
3. Swap out Traditional Meals With a Healthier Spin
It’s hard to imagine Thanksgiving without the traditional turkey staple, but it continues to become more common as dietary restrictions such as vegan and vegetarianism have popularized. Although, if you’re looking forward to a protein-powered turkey meal, substitute some of the other iconic comfort dishes for something that won’t give you heartburn. Perhaps this Cauliflower Stuffing recipe from Delish might be just the plate to swap out with the usual stuffing and inspire your healthy journey.
4. Bring Your Paleo Pumpkin Pie Game

It’s no secret that most CrossFitters love a good paleo recipe, which is why these Paleo Pumpkin Pie Bars are a must for those looking for a “healthier” dessert this upcoming Thanksgiving. Replace this sweet treat with your traditional Pumpkin Pie and people won’t even taste the difference.
5. Burpee It Up to Stay Warm in Black Friday Lines
Who hates burpees more than anything? I’m pretty sure everyone raised their hand - but you can’t deny how effective this exercise movement really is. Aside from burning an immense amount of calories, this little torture technique requires zero equipment - meaning it can be done anywhere. So, while you’re waiting in line for that $75 60-inch OLED TV, you can perform this full-body workout before the Black Friday rush. Be careful though, a few too many and you may just get a revisit from your Thanksgiving dinner.
6. Give Thanks to Your Bod

Thanksgiving is all about showing your appreciation and being thankful, which is why you need to TREAT YO’ SELF! It’s not always easy to be healthy and have the motivation to stay in shape, but if you are working hard on yourself and reaching your fitness goals, that is incredible progress that should not go unnoticed. Let your body know you appreciate what it is capable of by scheduling a massage or a spa treatment. Those shoulders could probably use a little love after all those Push Jerks you did the other day. Our lifting gear accessories are also great gifts to yourself and help to improve your workout game.
Remember to not go too hard on yourself this Thanksgiving - after all, it only happens once a year. Grant yourself some room to let loose and try out a few of these tips to do your best on such a delicious holiday.
Do you have any tips to stay fit and healthy this Thanksgiving?
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Bee Tee Dubs (BTW).